Warm, fresh citrus scent, radiant, fruity and tangy.This oil smells just like fresh orange peel, yet is much stronger aroma in this form.Provides fresh energy, clearing and inspiring the mind. Can be an effective skin care ingredient in moderation, avoid heavy concentration. Very popular in household cleaning products as it aids in cleaning and smells so clean.Be careful on plastic and synthetic surfaces as it may affect them negatively.
100% Natural Product Contains No Artificial Or Synthetic Ingredients
Botanical Name: Citrus Sinensis (L)
Origin: Osbeck, USA
Appearance: Colorless to amber-yellow or dark orange or greenish-orange
Odor: Fresh Sweet Orange Odor
Refractive Index: 1.4732 @ 20°C
Flash Point: 120°F
Specific Gravity: 0.846 @ 20°C
Solubility: Insoluble
Storage: Store in a cool place in closed container
Safety: Harmful if swallowed, avoid contact with eyes